"Betsy's communication tools are deceptively simple, and profoundly effective"

Each of the card templates helps you clarify your thoughts and feelings and express them better than you ever dreamed was possible.

A structured way to talk about tough topics so you both feel heard, and nobody gets hurt.

A time-out strategy that helps you stop talking before you hurt each other, and cool off before trying again.

A positive way to learn how to ask for, give, and receive acts of kindness, service, and affection. Make it a weekly ritual to exchange Love Bites and fulfill each other's request.

A simple, step-by-step guide for couples that helps you change bad habits by each creating––and then working on––your own, easy-to-follow action plans.

A great way to use your whole body to celebrate positive experiences and make them last longer.

A fast way to keep a dip from turning into a dive. Learn to recognize, interrupt, and disengage from anxious, disabling thoughts, and redirect your attention elsewhere.

Put up this poster on wall or mirror. Use it to check in with yourself so you can Dip-shift your way out of a worrying loop before it takes over.